It's rare when a true game-changer appears out of nowhere and reshapes the markets. The Independent Aftermarket appears to have managed to ride the storm out with more success than other sectors of the economy. But it was changed in the process. It's a high time to look for some answers:

  • It is just yet another crisis like in 2008 or are we all facing something of a new kind?
  • What are the lessons learned from 2020
  • What emergent trends and technologies we have observed across the globe?

We did our best to answers those questions using examples provided by our speakers, coming both from different regions and countries as well as different backgrounds - like automotive parts manufacturer.

The Live Session took place on Friday, January 22nd 2021. You can watch the recording of it below, as well as each of the presentations.


Aftermarket Forum Online: Into 2021
The Live Session


Aftermarket Forum Online: Into 2021 
Different perspectives


With David Dai, CEO at Magic Cube Auto College

Europe (overview)

With Antti Wolk, Managing Director at Wolk after sales experts.

Gulf Countries

With Dhananjayan Munirathinam, Founder atFocus Group India and Middle East.


With Dhananjayan Munirathinam, Managing Director at Focus Group India and Middle East.


With Tommaso Caravani, Partner Automotive at Collins ITS.

Latin America

With Marcelo Gabriel, International Development Director at LA4B - Latin America for Business.


With Leszek Kadelski, Marketing Communication Manager at Wolk after sales experts.


With Dário Afonso, Managing Director at ACM


With Danil Pivovarov, Director at Autostat.

Southeast Asia

With Devindran Ramanathan, Managing Director & Principal Consultant at ACS Asiapac.

Sub Saharan Africa

With Marc Zander, Managing Director at africon.


With Alexander Gruzdev, International automotive marketing and business intelligence expert at Gruzdev-Analyze.

Automotive Parts Manufacturer's perspective:

Sebastian Hoff, Managing Director at IKA-Germany


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Automotive Management is a Dutch trade magazine for managers in the automotive industry. It is distinguished by its strong news gathering, qualitative background articles and in-depth analyzes of relevant developments in the industry. Naturally, the 'human factor' is not forgotten and attention is paid to entrepreneurship in particular. is a leading Polish new portal for the Independent Aftermarket operators. Thanks to an experienced team and utilisation of new technologies, pumps out a record level of content from market and product news to detailed stories from trade fairs both in Poland and abroad.

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